Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Z is for Ziggy Marley

So it's here the final posting for the A-Z challenge.... it's been hard finding bands/singers that speak to my inner writer.  But I think the hardest part on some of the letters was picking just one.  

I decided to not go with Ziggy Marley because I wanted to pick someone that you wouldn't normally think of for the Letter Z on a musical A-Z blog.  My first thought was The Zombies or ZZ top but I decided that Ziggy had more of a cool vibe and some very powerful songs. 

Ziggy is the eldest son to the late Bob Marley a man that needs no introduction.

My favorite song by Ziggy Marley is . . .  Love is my Religion

My least favorite song by Ziggy Marley is  . . .  A Lifetime

The song that inspires me creatively by Ziggy Marley is  . . . True To Myself

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