Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for the Dirty Heads

Now most people probably haven't been blessed with hearing any of the Dirty Heads music.  If you grew up listening to the reggae/beach style ska music such as Sublime, No Doubt, and Reel Big Fish you will love the music composed by the Dirty Heads. 

I first became a fan after my older brother asked me to go to a concert with him last year.  I instantly fell in love with their music.   It reminded me of the music I listened to in the 90's, Sublime held the charts with hit songs such as Santeria and What I got and No Doubt was singing about being Just a Girl or Don't Speak.   The Steel Drum/ and Ukelele are avid parts of the Dirty Heads music.   I love the cool, kick back vibe they give and I could listen to most of their music all day. It makes me feel like I am sitting on the beach with my family and friends watching as the gulls swoop in to eat fish, the waves lap at the white colored sand, and the clear blue sky stretching as far as I can see.

My favorite song is also the song that inspires me by them so I will be using my second favorite song
. . .

My second favorite song by the Dirty Heads is . . .

Cabin by the Sea

My least favorite song by the Dirty heads is . . .  Check the Level


The song that inspires me the most by the Dirty Heads is Stand Tall.  (Which is also my favorite song)

The reason I love this song so much is because of the lyric, the smooth tone the song holds throughout each verse and the message they are delivering.  

Stand Tall, It gets a little better.  See the wall that we can break down together.   To me the song is about how with a good support system whether it be family or friends you can withstand anything that comes your way.   Obstacles may block your path but with the right sized sledge hammer any wall will crumble!


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